Invoicing of fees from Rotary International, District 9640 and Rotary Down Under
Access to certain data and reports from both Rotary International and District 9640
Communication of appropriate information
Reporting and analysis to enable better decision making
Rotary International Database (My Rotary)
District Membership Database (ClubRunner)
Rotary Down Under (RDU) database
To update data in My Rotary --
- Go to My Rotary and sign in. Once logged in, select Knowledge & Resources > Club & District Administration from the menu from where you can make changes by following the relevant links and prompts.
- For assistance on making changes, click on the help articles below -
When using My Rotary to update data there is some key information you should be aware of -
- Member Type - in My Rotary there is no option to designate members as Satellite or Corporate members. This must be done in ClubRunner where the member types of Active, Active - Satellite & Active - Corporate all show as Member in My Rotary.
- Club Officer Roles - in My Rotary you can only nominate members in the roles of President, Vice President, Secretary, Executive Secretary, Treasurer, Rotary Foundation, Membership, Learning Facilitator, Young Leaders Contact, Public Image or Service Projects. To record and update other roles (such as Club Insurance Officer etc) these changes can only be made, and seen, in ClubRunner.
To update data in ClubRunner --
- Go to the District Website (or your own club one if your Club has a ClubRunner subscription), and click on Member Login in the top right corner. From there you should be redirected to the Member Area - if not, click on the Member Area link that should now appear in the top right corner. If you are going through the District Website and also have District Access, you should then select the Members tab rather than District Administration. If you need help with signing in, please click here.
- To add, transfer from another club, change their membership type (e.g. to honorary or satellite), or terminate members, first click on the Active Members List link which can be found in the My Club & Membership section then follow the steps below -
- To add a new member or transfer a member from another club click on the respective button above the member list and follow the prompts.
- To change a member to honorary or terminate their membership click on the Change Status link next to their name and follow the prompts.
- To add a new member or transfer a member from another club click on the respective button above the member list and follow the prompts.
- To update club officer details first click on the Define Club Executives link which can be found in the My Club & Membership section. From the next screen you can add a new position or carry positions across to the next year by clicking on the respectinve button above the list of cluv officers. To make changes to an individual position (e.g. add, change or remove a member from it), click on the respective link next to the position name..
- To update club details first click on the Club Information link which can be found in the My Club & Membership section. From the next screen click on the edit button in the section where you want to update details.
Enable Synchronisation
To ensure synchronisation of data between My Rotary & ClubRunner, clubs must first designate ClubRunner as their club management vendor to enable synchronisation. For more information on how to do this, please follow these instructions.
Once ClubRunner is designated as the Club Management Vendor, you must then enable the synchronisation in ClubRunner. To do that -
Go to the District Website (or your own club one if your Club has a ClubRunner subscription), and click on Member Login in the top right corner. From there you should be redirected to the Member Area - if not, click on the Member Area link that should now appear in the top right corner. If you are going through the District Website and also have District Access, you should then select the Members tab rather than District Administration. If you need help with signing in, please click here.
Click on the Integration Settings link which can be found in the RI Integration section then go to Step 2 and follow the prompts, select the appropriate data to integrate both in terms of Data Sent to Rotary and Data Received from Rotary. This ensures changes in either system are reflected in the other,
Regular Comparison of Data
Whilst changes in one system should update the other (usually within 24 hours), occasionally, they can be out of sync. Therefore, it is highly recommended that clubs run a comparison on a regular basis. It is only possible to run the comparison from ClubRunner. To do that, whilst logged in and in the members section (see above) first click on the Compare & Synchronise Members or Compare & Synchronise Executives links which can be found in the RI Integration section.
From the ensuing screens you will see lists of the records that are, or are not, in sync. For member records not in sync, you will then have the option of editing the record in ClubRunner (see instructions above). For Club Officer details, note that only the positions that appear in both My Rotary and ClubRunner (see notes above) are compared. You can click on synchronise position to manually update any discrepancies if required.
- Click on Subscription Management Login on left hand side of our home page
- Enter your username (RDU ID) and password. (please contact RDU if you require your login details)
- To see a full list of subscribers for your club click the club member tab at the top right. From that list you can -
- delete a member by clicking the arrow on the right of the members name and then delete.
- add a member by clicking the create button at top right of list – and add details
- Submit to save any changes