Rotary D9640 Malaria Vaccine Project
in association with
Griffith University Institute of Glycomics

Vaccine News

World Health Organisation recommends R21/Matrix-M vaccine for malaria prevention in updated advice on immunization.
2 October 2023.

Official response to the World Health Organisation vaccine announcement,

Lets make it a reality Governor General of Australia, Sir Peter Cosgrove says!!

Malaria is one of the killer diseases of the world. Queensland scientists want to deliberately infect people with malaria to prove they can beat it.

Appeal for Corporate and individual support to complete Malaria Vaccine Project

On behalf of the Malaria Vaccine Project Committee, I wish to express my sincere thanks to all supporters for your very generous and ongoing support of this Project.
Our goal is to raise sufficient funds to make that happen--in essence to start saving the lives of those 400,000 children who die from malaria every year. Thank you again for your beautiful gifts to this work and please continue to help us to reach our $2.5 million goal. WE ARE ALREADY HALF-WAY THERE and are hopeful that the corporate sector will join Rotary and Governments to make this possible.
I am setting up a Global Grant Malaria Postdoctoral Scholar Grant for an overseas scientist to work with Professor Michael Good and Dr Danielle Stanisic.
What an incredible opportunity for a young scientist especially as the field -deployable form reaches CLINICAL CHALLENGE TRIALS.
If any Rotary Club or Supporter would like your next Malaria Vaccine Project donation to go to this Global Grant Scholarship, make the donation through RAWCS in the usual way but just ADD in the section REQUESTS TO THE PROJECT MANAGER: MALARIA POSTDOCTORAL SCHOLAR.
That will alert me to direct it to the Global Grant.  Thank you for considering this.
If any Rotary District would like to contribute DDF to this Global Grant, please contact me directly:
(E) ;  (M) 0418 150 240] 
Malaria Vaccine Project - Corporate Support
Rotary connects the world to do good.
On Wednesday 11th March 2020 Gold Coast based law firm MBA Lawyers in celebration of their 50th anniversary signed a memorandum of understanding to be a corporate partner of the Institute of Glycomics of Griffith University's Malaria Vaccine Research project sponsored by Griffith University Rotary Club and our Rotary District 9640 in Australia.
Anton Richardson, Partner of MBA Lawyers and President of Varsity Lakes Rotary Club in Gold Coast together with Past Rotary District Governor Prof. Graham A Jones signed the document at a simple ceremony witnessed by members of MBA Lawyers, Institute of Glycomics and Rotary District 9640.
Rotary District 9640's efforts have raised A$1.1 Million for this research in the past 3 years from donations by Rotarians, Rotary Clubs & Rotary Districts across Australia and the Australian Federal Government.
This Malaria vaccine research led by Prof. Michael Good and Rtn Danielle Stanisic has now reached the stage of human testing, so very soon we can save over 400,000 people across the world who of die of Malaria every year.
Prof. Graham A. Jones expresses thanks to MBA Lawyers for their support.
For more information go to the Malaria Vaccine website -
For more information contact PDG Sandra Doumany