Club Assist
Did you know that a trust fund was established in our Rotary District to provide financial assistance for participants of Rotary District 9640 youth programs?  The objective of the Trust is to provide financial assistance to participants who are unable to contribute in part or whole to the cost of the program they wish to attend.
  • The Rotary Club who has nominated the youth participant completes and submits the application form.    
  • The review panel includes the District Youth Chair who will confirm that the participant has been accepted into the relevant District Youth program.   
  • It will then be forwarded to the Trustees for review and decision. 
While relatives of a Rotary Club member are not eligible to apply, this is a great opportunity to support members of our community and increase our impact through our Rotary youth programs. 
For clubs applying for assistance, it would be highly beneficial for there to be some funding for youth programs already committed (e.g. the club is already supporting one or more participants directly)
If you have any questions, please contact our District Youth Chair – youth@rotary9640.org